Cat mai valoareaza contentul astazi, veniturile din digital ale celor de la NYTimes vs veniturile Google + Facebook:
$14 million. That’s the monthly digital ad revenue of The New York Times in the first quarter of...
Cat mai valoareaza contentul astazi, veniturile din digital ale celor de la NYTimes vs veniturile Google + Facebook:
$14 million. That’s the monthly digital ad revenue of The New York Times in the first quarter of...
http:/Doua despre Grecia
1. Atitudinea. Aroganta. Esti dator vandut, ai nevoie de sustinere, iar atitudinea guvernului de la Atena fata de toti ceilalti europeni a fost aroganta la patrat.
2. Toate celelalte planuri de salvare a Greciei mai...
http:/Doua despre Grecia
1. Atitudinea. Aroganta. Esti dator vandut, ai nevoie de sustinere, iar atitudinea guvernului de la Atena fata de toti ceilalti europeni a fost aroganta la patrat.
2. Toate celelalte planuri de salvare a Greciei mai...
http:/Cinci despre Apple Music
1. Costa 4.99 euro/luna in .ro, cam la jumatate fata de pretul anuntat in SUA.
2. Pentru mine, ca user de Rhapsody (de prin 2003 – 2004 si pana cand mi-au taiat accesul pentru ca si-au dat seama ca sunt din .ro) si...
http:/Cinci despre Apple Music
1. Costa 4.99 euro/luna in .ro, cam la jumatate fata de pretul anuntat in SUA.
2. Pentru mine, ca user de Rhapsody (de prin 2003 – 2004 si pana cand mi-au taiat accesul pentru ca si-au dat seama ca sunt din .ro) si...
http:/Curs de programare Android + internship la
Cosmin a lansat zilele trecute MobileHub-ul si deja are primul curs de programare Android, pentru incepatori. Toate detaliile le gasiti aici, eu sumarizez mai jos + va mai spun ca 3 dintre cursanti vor putea beneficia,...
http:/Curs de programare Android + internship la
Cosmin a lansat zilele trecute MobileHub-ul si deja are primul curs de programare Android, pentru incepatori. Toate detaliile le gasiti aici, eu sumarizez mai jos + va mai spun ca 3 dintre cursanti vor putea beneficia,...
http:/Curs de programare Android + internship la
Cosmin a lansat zilele trecute MobileHub-ul si deja are primul curs de programare Android, pentru incepatori. Toate detaliile le gasiti aici, eu sumarizez mai jos + va mai spun ca 3 dintre cursanti vor putea beneficia,...
http:/“Temporary problem”
During that process, AOL revealed that two suitors, earlier in the year, tried to buy The Huffington Post for $1 billion, or roughly four times what Jeff Bezos paid for The Washington Post two years ago. Plainly, to...
http:/“Temporary problem”
During that process, AOL revealed that two suitors, earlier in the year, tried to buy The Huffington Post for $1 billion, or roughly four times what Jeff Bezos paid for The Washington Post two years ago. Plainly, to...
http:/“Temporary problem”
During that process, AOL revealed that two suitors, earlier in the year, tried to buy The Huffington Post for $1 billion, or roughly four times what Jeff Bezos paid for The Washington Post two years ago. Plainly, to...
http:/FashionDays a schimbat modelul de business
„2014 a fost un an foarte important pentru Fashion Days pentru că am schimbat modelul de business. Practic, Fashion Days s-a transformat dintr-un club de «shopping» pe bază de invitaţie care oferea...
http:/FashionDays a schimbat modelul de business
„2014 a fost un an foarte important pentru Fashion Days pentru că am schimbat modelul de business. Practic, Fashion Days s-a transformat dintr-un club de «shopping» pe bază de invitaţie care oferea...
http:/FashionDays a schimbat modelul de business
„2014 a fost un an foarte important pentru Fashion Days pentru că am schimbat modelul de business. Practic, Fashion Days s-a transformat dintr-un club de «shopping» pe bază de invitaţie care oferea...
http:/Regula lui 40%
A few months ago, I blogged about a formula I came across at a board meeting a while back that says your year over year growth rate plus your pre-tax operating margins need to be at least forty percent. Meaning you can...
http:/Regula lui 40%
A few months ago, I blogged about a formula I came across at a board meeting a while back that says your year over year growth rate plus your pre-tax operating margins need to be at least forty percent. Meaning you can...
http:/Regula lui 40%
A few months ago, I blogged about a formula I came across at a board meeting a while back that says your year over year growth rate plus your pre-tax operating margins need to be at least forty percent. Meaning you can...
http:/Vreau si eu 3
On “We have a 5 billion dollar website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars.”
11 bonkers quotes from Donald Trump’s campaign...
http:/Vreau si eu 3
On “We have a 5 billion dollar website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars.”
11 bonkers quotes from Donald Trump’s campaign...
http:/Vreau si eu 3
On “We have a 5 billion dollar website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars.”
11 bonkers quotes from Donald Trump’s campaign...
http:/Tweetul diminetii
Bubble might pop -> Raise more $ than needed -> Can solve problems with $ -> Overhire -> Slow progress -> Ruin culture -> Destroy company.
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 16, 2015
http:/Tweetul diminetii
Bubble might pop -> Raise more $ than needed -> Can solve problems with $ -> Overhire -> Slow progress -> Ruin culture -> Destroy company.
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 16, 2015
http:/Tweetul diminetii
Bubble might pop -> Raise more $ than needed -> Can solve problems with $ -> Overhire -> Slow progress -> Ruin culture -> Destroy company.
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 16, 2015
Un al doilea hackathon va avea loc in aceasta luna la Welovedigital, whatthehack = 12 ore, 50 de concurenti, 20 de challenge-uri, 2500 euro in premii. Succes participantilor!
Despre cum a fost la primul hackathon, cel...