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Cat mai valoareaza contentul astazi, veniturile din digital ale celor de la NYTimes vs veniturile Google + Facebook: $14 million. That’s the monthly digital ad revenue of The New York Times in the first quarter of... 7 Iulie 2015 7:47 AM


Cat mai valoareaza contentul astazi, veniturile din digital ale celor de la NYTimes vs veniturile Google + Facebook: $14 million. That’s the monthly digital ad revenue of The New York Times in the first quarter of... 7 Iulie 2015 7:47 AM

Doua despre Grecia

1. Atitudinea. Aroganta. Esti dator vandut, ai nevoie de sustinere, iar atitudinea guvernului de la Atena fata de toti ceilalti europeni a fost aroganta la patrat. 2. Toate celelalte planuri de salvare a Greciei mai... 6 Iulie 2015 8:18 AM

Doua despre Grecia

1. Atitudinea. Aroganta. Esti dator vandut, ai nevoie de sustinere, iar atitudinea guvernului de la Atena fata de toti ceilalti europeni a fost aroganta la patrat. 2. Toate celelalte planuri de salvare a Greciei mai... 6 Iulie 2015 8:18 AM

Cinci despre Apple Music

1. Costa 4.99 euro/luna in .ro, cam la jumatate fata de pretul anuntat in SUA. 2. Pentru mine, ca user de Rhapsody (de prin 2003 – 2004 si pana cand mi-au taiat accesul pentru ca si-au dat seama ca sunt din .ro) si... 4 Iulie 2015 12:52 PM

Cinci despre Apple Music

1. Costa 4.99 euro/luna in .ro, cam la jumatate fata de pretul anuntat in SUA. 2. Pentru mine, ca user de Rhapsody (de prin 2003 – 2004 si pana cand mi-au taiat accesul pentru ca si-au dat seama ca sunt din .ro) si... 4 Iulie 2015 12:52 PM

Curs de programare Android + internship la

Cosmin a lansat zilele trecute MobileHub-ul si deja are primul curs de programare Android, pentru incepatori. Toate detaliile le gasiti aici, eu sumarizez mai jos + va mai spun ca 3 dintre cursanti vor putea beneficia,... 1 Iulie 2015 7:42 AM

Curs de programare Android + internship la

Cosmin a lansat zilele trecute MobileHub-ul si deja are primul curs de programare Android, pentru incepatori. Toate detaliile le gasiti aici, eu sumarizez mai jos + va mai spun ca 3 dintre cursanti vor putea beneficia,... 1 Iulie 2015 7:42 AM

Curs de programare Android + internship la

Cosmin a lansat zilele trecute MobileHub-ul si deja are primul curs de programare Android, pentru incepatori. Toate detaliile le gasiti aici, eu sumarizez mai jos + va mai spun ca 3 dintre cursanti vor putea beneficia,... 1 Iulie 2015 7:42 AM

“Temporary problem”

During that process, AOL revealed that two suitors, earlier in the year, tried to buy The Huffington Post for $1 billion, or roughly four times what Jeff Bezos paid for The Washington Post two years ago. Plainly, to... 1 Iulie 2015 7:36 AM

“Temporary problem”

During that process, AOL revealed that two suitors, earlier in the year, tried to buy The Huffington Post for $1 billion, or roughly four times what Jeff Bezos paid for The Washington Post two years ago. Plainly, to... 1 Iulie 2015 7:36 AM

“Temporary problem”

During that process, AOL revealed that two suitors, earlier in the year, tried to buy The Huffington Post for $1 billion, or roughly four times what Jeff Bezos paid for The Washington Post two years ago. Plainly, to... 1 Iulie 2015 7:36 AM

FashionDays a schimbat modelul de business

„2014 a fost un an foarte important pentru Fashion Days pentru că am schimbat modelul de business. Practic, Fashion Days s-a transformat dintr-un club de «shopping» pe bază de invitaţie care oferea... 30 Iunie 2015 8:09 AM

FashionDays a schimbat modelul de business

„2014 a fost un an foarte important pentru Fashion Days pentru că am schimbat modelul de business. Practic, Fashion Days s-a transformat dintr-un club de «shopping» pe bază de invitaţie care oferea... 30 Iunie 2015 8:09 AM

FashionDays a schimbat modelul de business

„2014 a fost un an foarte important pentru Fashion Days pentru că am schimbat modelul de business. Practic, Fashion Days s-a transformat dintr-un club de «shopping» pe bază de invitaţie care oferea... 30 Iunie 2015 8:09 AM

Regula lui 40%

A few months ago, I blogged about a formula I came across at a board meeting a while back that says your year over year growth rate plus your pre-tax operating margins need to be at least forty percent. Meaning you can... 26 Iunie 2015 8:46 AM

Regula lui 40%

A few months ago, I blogged about a formula I came across at a board meeting a while back that says your year over year growth rate plus your pre-tax operating margins need to be at least forty percent. Meaning you can... 26 Iunie 2015 8:46 AM

Regula lui 40%

A few months ago, I blogged about a formula I came across at a board meeting a while back that says your year over year growth rate plus your pre-tax operating margins need to be at least forty percent. Meaning you can... 26 Iunie 2015 8:46 AM

Vreau si eu 3

On “We have a 5 billion dollar website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars.” 11 bonkers quotes from Donald Trump’s campaign... 19 Iunie 2015 8:14 AM

Vreau si eu 3

On “We have a 5 billion dollar website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars.” 11 bonkers quotes from Donald Trump’s campaign... 19 Iunie 2015 8:14 AM

Vreau si eu 3

On “We have a 5 billion dollar website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars.” 11 bonkers quotes from Donald Trump’s campaign... 19 Iunie 2015 8:14 AM

Tweetul diminetii

Bubble might pop -> Raise more $ than needed -> Can solve problems with $ -> Overhire -> Slow progress -> Ruin culture -> Destroy company. — Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 16, 2015 17 Iunie 2015 7:36 AM

Tweetul diminetii

Bubble might pop -> Raise more $ than needed -> Can solve problems with $ -> Overhire -> Slow progress -> Ruin culture -> Destroy company. — Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 16, 2015 17 Iunie 2015 7:36 AM

Tweetul diminetii

Bubble might pop -> Raise more $ than needed -> Can solve problems with $ -> Overhire -> Slow progress -> Ruin culture -> Destroy company. — Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 16, 2015 17 Iunie 2015 7:36 AM


Un al doilea hackathon va avea loc in aceasta luna la Welovedigital, whatthehack = 12 ore, 50 de concurenti, 20 de challenge-uri, 2500 euro in premii. Succes participantilor! Despre cum a fost la primul hackathon, cel... 12 Iunie 2015 8:06 AM
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