more 35mm stuff :)
alexunu. almost there.
http:/central park. a compact camera and sunglasses as lens filter :)
Autumn Leavesalexunu. almost there.
http:/Despre frumusete, cu drag
Sunt Alexandra si sunt fotograf. Ma intalnesc foarte des cu frumusetea – cautarea ei, transformarea ei, prezenta, absenta si mai ales puterea ei. Am cunoscut oameni care sufera si se chinuie la bariera asta dintre...
http:/Not even a story
I need no things to remind me of you, I won’t worship our memories and I’ll make you no promises We don’t need a soundtrack or a breathtaking view, I’m fine with being forgettable, are you? Are...
http:/enjoying a compact camera in greece
lefkada, greece, day 1. amazing colors, lovely beaches and perfect water. also not too many people around this time of the year, which is great when you're looking for a getaway. and so close to romania - one day by...
http:/bike trip - campina si azuga
detalii tehnice despre tura campina-sotrile-campina are lucian aicila azuga am incercat sa urcam la cabana susai dar se pare ca la munte e mai iarna decat ne asteptam, asa ca am facut cale intoarsa unde drumul incepea sa...
http:/enjoying a compact camera :)
so i bought the new nikon aw100 because i needed a small camera to carry around with me all the time, i wanted it to work underwater and shoot video with beautiful lens flare. and also because i'm a bit of a geek...
http:/enjoying a compact camera in greece - part II promised. video included :) alexunu. almost there.
alexunu. almost there.
iata traditionalul montaj cu fotografii din anul care tocmai s-a incheiat. de data asta contine destul de multe imagini pe care nu le-am mai postat pe blog, recunosc ca m-am desfasurat mai mult pe facebook :) va doresc...
cu vantul prieten copilul se joaca, se-nvata unul pe altul sa tacacand creste, copilul iubeste si construieste un pod peste cer si pamantsi-n timp ce iubirea ii sfasie carnea, vantul nu crede nimic despre vantalexunu....
http:/alexa si lia
alexunu. almost there.
http:/october in paris
alexunu. almost there.
http:/It's time
You need to keep your stories unfinished, Unwritten, untold Or maybe you just get high on beginnings Mistaking your thoughts for your feelings Same lesson, unlearned Your heart still on hold Yes, you are the wanderer,...
momentul de cer a ramas atarnatsi-l leagana lin neintentiile mutecand tot ce visezi inca nu s-a-ntamplatdar incontrolabil sta sa se intamplealexunu. almost there.
http:/taran technology
fashion shoot for tataia magazinealexunu. almost there.
http:/in dreams
dark series for cockaigne magazine In dreams you let yourself be true. The dark side too.You run and hide, but the one chasing you is you.And when you dare to face your darkest self and when your selves collideYou...
http:/bike trip
one of those days you know you won't forget, when people, nature and the lack of foolish intentions come together just right :) alexunu. almost there.